Great tools to streamline your Social Media Marketing

tools-for-better-marketing1According to the article Lohana, I know the benefit of using social media tools. We could make social media marketing easier and easier with tools. Meanwhile, I got five good websites which are useful for managing social accounts. They are Cyfe, Hootsuite, Sendible, Sprout Social, and Buffer. In addition, I also suggest you other great tools to streamline your social media marketing in the following.


This is a free and easy-using website which helps you to oversee all aspects of your Twitter accounts in one interface. It could give you a great deal of control over the intricacies of your profile.


This is a good tool which allows you to search Twitter profiles by keywords. For example, if you search “marketing editor,” Followerwonk will pick up any Twitter profiles mentioning this keyword in an influencer list for helpful identification.


This Twitter tool helps you manage your Twitter account. It not only find relevant people to follow and connect, but also unfollow inactive accounts. Moreover, this social tool could analysis your Twitter account.


This is a great Twitter tool that helps you to get your profile in front of users based on common topics or interests. It is useful for segmenting your recent Twitter followers by interests.

toolsDo you have other great tools to streamline your social media marketing? Share your thoughts in the comments.

