Six ways to get more Twitter follows for your technology business

There are lots of social media tips on the Internet. I have learnt a lot from there. Some tips are quite simple and common. However, I could tell you the best six useful ideas.

  1. Make your profile is the point which could attract your followers.

    Hilary Clinton’s twitter Bio is a very good example.

  2. Quality is key. Quantity can’t be forgotten.

    Try to find your followers as many as possible. The most useful way to get followers is join others firstly. Follow the person, who has the same topic with you, after a while, we could use a twitter tool to delete those who are not your goal. My suggestion is using a website Manageflitter – it is very useful for managing your followers and getting an overview of people not following you back, quiet users, and inactive users.

  1. The more we post, the more followers we will get.

    There is a truly fact is those who tweet more have the most twitters. Lots of tweets equal lots of activity, lots of experience.Screen-Shot-2014-05-19-at-12.32.39-PM

  1. Use hashtags.

    Using#will expand your tweet visibility. In addition, to use one or two hashtags in a tweet is the best. Otherwise, too many hashtags will disturb your audience.

  1. Learn from the best.

    Some tweets are really good for us to learn. For example: @Fun and @Googlefacts.

  1. Ask, Listen, And Respond.

    The key point why people follow brands on twitter is discounts and promos. So use “@” try to discuss with others. Also, this is the meaning of using twitter for your own personal brand.


Six ways to get more Twitter follows for your technology business”的一个响应

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